The small hill attracts me for many counts. I have got an unbound attraction for it since my childhood. The hill is easily visible from the top of our home at Chhatna. Everday, every morning I used to look at the hill- and enjoy its serenity . In our childhood we were told a giant elephant had been lying there. Later I understood it is an elephant shape by its inherent nature. In our early days we were frightened when fire flamed in the hill. Usually it was seen during summer ,on the eve of Dhara festival. The Dhara festival is an age long ritual practiced by the tribal annually. Just day before yesterday it was in festive mood. I missed it although I had several calls to be present this time. When I was a school boy I had the opportunity to visit Susunia Hill. The memory is still afresh. I climbed at the top and searched my house from there. I could not see but never became frustrated. The ever flowing water from the dhara was the chief attraction in my first visit. This attraction is still with me. Anytime I visit the hill,I sip the sweet running water . In those days there were many Segun and mehagini trees. These are not visible now.
I could recall my another visit to the place during seventies. That time I went there to meet Sahadev Karmakar- the first national awardee for his excellence in stone-craft. That time it was difficult to reach. the road was partly metallic. One or two buses used to ply. I had to stay in Susunia village on that day. I could remember the thatched house of Sahadev. I could remember the scaled figure of the artist. I ould remember the words of the great artist:
" whom do you want"/
_" Sahadev Karmakar"
-" I am."
I looked at the pale face. However, the days have gone. Susunia stone craft got reorganization at his hands. currently, Susunia is a hub of stone crafts. It has also become a tourist spot.
On the next day, I saw the rock-inscription. I was told it is an historical inscription. The matter remained as I felt in my first visit.
As I grew up I began to search more on Susunia. I got in touch with some Patuas living beneath the hill. They do not use chemical colors but paints with natural ingredients. They use different rocks/stones for extracting different colors. Splendid. i tried to focus them. Many have visited the place.
Now I will come to the inscription. Three lines were engraved in a rock. The first two lines say" the work of the Great King ,illustrious Chandravarman, son of Simhavarman, Lord of Pushkarma-dedicated by the chief servants of lord of wheel". A wheel is also marked along with the inscripton.
The researchers began to study who was the Chandravarma. An inscrition found at Allahabad bore the witness that Chandravarma was a powerful king defeated by SamudraGupta. Capital of Chandravarma was Pushkarma.
The simple three lines dictates that during 4th century the Brahminical culture was in Susunia. This is the only record which is a proof of that culture in Rarh .
Later, prof. Suniti Chattopadhy argued that modern Pukhunna on the bank of Damodar Valley was the capital of Chandravarma. Excavation and collection of antique materials support the vies of Sunitikumar.
I am proud that I belong to an area having heritage of culture.
Of late Prehistoric antiquities from Susunia and its surroundings have surfaced more on the early civilization that spread from here.
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