Saturday, January 9, 2016

Krishi Ratna Sachindra – A drought fighter of Jungle Mahal

The more I move around the  jungle -mahal, specifically in Ajodhya Hills range  the more I become surprised.  Suffice it to say I am enriched with diverse experience from the terrain as well as from the poor but innovative farming community.  In fact,I had a mission of introducing  cash-crops like turmeric under rain-fed situation. This mission I inherited as I grew up in Paschimanchal and as I saw droughts and its impact from close. I thought if turmeric could  change the life style of tribal in Kandhamahal,Odisha then  why it could not be translated in Paschimanchal.Thus, with the turmeric   I came across from Jamboni ,W.Midnapore to Khatra,Bankura to Ajodhya Hills ,Purulia & so on.  Almost everywhere  I  got tremendous response.  Everyone wants to get rid of drought.  Undoubtedly, drought should be fought with other feasible crops. Again I believe  there is a need for composite system including agriculture,horticulture, animal husbandry ,fishery and small scale rural industry. After all there is need for innovative,aggressive  and challenging youths who will reap appropriate technology in reality. There is  demand for entrepreneurs at grass root level. I am lucky that I met some guys who showed the rays in Paschimanchal. I want their success story be given to others  for inspiration.
I am applauded with the strength of women , ShGs, Farmer’s  body, rural clubs  etc. etc who are relentlessly trying for the welfare of Paschimanchal.  I have stated elsewhere where Government establishment including Paschim anchal Unnayan Parshad  taking strong position for uplift of the drought prone areas. I also saw how agricultural experts are  deeply involved  in changing  livelihoods of  backward areas. It is not always success everywhere. However, mammoth success anywhere  touches my heart.  I shall tell a tale of hero who overcame drought in most awkward  terrain of Ajodhya Hill areas,
 My hero is  Sachindranath  Mahato.  A slim stout firm personality  with glazed eyes  has been fighting against drought for the last five years. He hails from  Ghorabandha village,Baghmundi which is five kms from Charida- the birth place of legendry  Guru Gambhir Singh Mura . I could recall sordidly that the Guru lived under abject poverty.  The entire area is undulating, un-irrigated and infertile.  Local trees like palash, arjun were abundant once upon a time. Now, these are vanished and barren lands are visible. People are  here dependent on rain-God. Monocrop is the chief characteristics of Ghorabandha and surroundings.  Sachi  grew up under this adversity. He has experienced the curse of irregular rains, he saw droughts many times. He had to leave home in search of food many times.  From his boyhood he dreamt  to overcome the situation.  Amidst poverty his father showed the way of struggle for existence.  Sachi could remember how did his father sowed  a few mango saplings which bloomed today. Sooner, his quest for survival and doing orchards drew the attention of  horticulture department.  With departmental support he managed 500 mango saplings. From then he did not turn back. He made a camp  at the outskirt of village and stayed there without thatch to care the saplings . Thereafter, he began for other searches. I was fortunate that my turmeric seed reached to a genuine farmer. This year Sachi  got about 3 qtls of turmeric as an inter-crop. I found him aggressive . He took the risk of growing Kharif-onion . Today he let me informed that he got Rs. Fifteen thousand from Kharif onion. Further,  this year  he put ol( elephant foot) amidst  mango trees.  Size of each tuber was between 2.5 to 3 kg.  He told me “ Sir I will not sell OL, I am keeping those for next year. This crop along with turmeric is wonderful crops under rainfed condition”. I thanked him. Today he was in a gay mood and non-stopping in tele-chat.  I was listening to his success on other crops. Reply came” Sir I also intercropped in my orchard with chilly. Vegetables, This year I harvested mangoes first time.. I got more than Rs. Fifteen thousand  on sale...Sir please come and see my orchard again”.
Sachi has  diversified his other activities. He is now owner of many desh-poultry birds. He  is also  proud of his  goat-herds. I was overjoyed to hear “Sir come this time. You can stay in my hut..I have made a decent cottage in my orchard complex”.
I  also came to know that his innovative works  have been recognized. Sachi was honoured by  the title Krishi Ratna-of the Block.  Interestingly, Sachi led  rallies for farm-diversification  organized by the agriculture department in his block .
“ Is there any body following your path”?-I asked
-“Yes Sir, Rabi Mahato  is now my  follower. Rabi takes tips  frequently. Apart there are other two guys who  are readying for orchards. Sir, many will follow in future. “
Sachi demonstrated feasible crops under rain fed. He has woven a system of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry & poultry.
Sachi is my  warrier against drought.

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